Top 10 Warning Signs of Fatty Liver

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Warning signs of the Fatty Liver is mendatory to know for every indian, because every 1 out of 3 indians has fatty liver.

Fatty liver is when there is too much fat in your liver. It’s common, particularly in people who have diabetes and are overweight. Although it might not cause any symptoms, it can lead to significant health problems. Making changes to your lifestyle is key to preventing and improving the condition.

Just by taking care of these top 10 warning signs of fatty liver, we can keep our liver in good condition.

The liver is the body’s main organ for processing food and waste materials.

A healthy liver contains very little or no fat. If you drink too much alcohol, or eat too much food, your body deals with this excess by turning some of the calories into fat. This fat is then stored in liver cells.

When fat makes up more than 5% to 10% of the total weight of your liver, you have fatty liver.

Fatty liver is becoming more common as people eat more added sugar and added fats. About 1 in every 3 Indian adults has fatty liver disease. 

The good news is, with a well-managed treatment plan, damage from liver disease can often be reversed.

Here are the Top 10 warning signs of Fatty Liver that you may be developing liver problems.

1. A general unwell feeling.

An under performing liver can’t filter toxins out of the bloodstream, resulting in fatigue, headaches and skin problems.This may be a warning sign of fatty liver.


2. Jaundice or yellowing of the skin and eyes

Jaundice,Yellow eyes, pale skin and yellow urine may be a

warning sign of fatty liver.


3. Frequent gassy sensation.

When a damaged liver doesn’t secrete digestive juices to break down food, you may experience routine bloating and stool pressure. This could be a warning sign of fatty liver.

4. Confusion.

When the liver isn’t working properly, toxins can build up, causing brain fog. This is called hepatic encephalopathy. You may also be confused and disoriented.This could be a warning sign of fatty liver.

5. Fluid retention

A weak liver can result in swelling due to fluid retention, especially of the belly, feet and ankles. This could be a warning sign of fatty liver.

6. Dark urine

Urine that is darker than usual, accompanied by white stool may be a warning sign of fatty or bad liver.

7. Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss

Loss of appetite or unwillingness of eating may be a  warning sign of fatty or bad liver.

8. Blood Vomiting

Vomit blood or blood like fluid may be a warning sign of fatty liver or bad liver.

9. Itching

Frequent itching, rashes on skin, patches on skin may be warning sign of  fatty liver or bad liver.


10. Loss of muscle and muscle weakness

Loss of muscles or muscle weakness may a warning  sign of fatty liver or bad liver.

The main causes of liver disease include viruses like hepatitis, alcohol use disorder and fatty liver disease. Despite the great strides in curing hepatitis, liver disease is more prevalent than ever.

Excess alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease, including fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis and eventually liver cancer. Cirrhosis is a common cause of end-stage liver disease. Often, a liver transplant is needed when cirrhosis progresses to the point that scar tissue replaces healthy tissue and the liver stops functioning.

While alcoholic liver disease typically follows years of heavy drinking, binge drinking can result in rapid progression of liver disease.

The other contributing factor to the rise in liver disease is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
“It’s because of our lifestyle,
We aren’t getting enough exercise, we’re drinking too much soda and we’re eating a large amount of fast food.A growing portion of our population has diabetes, high cholesterol or obesity.” 

But the good news about this type of liver disease is that it is 100% reversible.

“And so is alcoholic liver disease, which is the leading cause of preventable death in the India.”

According to Dr. K.D.Kataria Founder of NIAT by making healthy food choices, exercising and avoiding alcohol,Adopting natural Holistic Healing Therapies,damage done to the liver can be reversed.

But without those lifestyle changes, 1 in 10 liver patients will go on to develop cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure and may need a liver transplant.


You can’t live without a working liver. Understanding liver functioning, understanding liver health, understanding organ clock is amust, so that we can keep our body’s mystry means liver in good , healthy and working position.We are here to help you out to get your liver back in shape.

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