Electro-Acupuncture ( Dr Voll )
Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture that involves the use of a small electric current to stimulate the acupuncture needles. This technique can enhance the effects of traditional acupuncture by providing a continuous, controlled stimulation to targeted acupuncture points. It is believed to be particularly effective for pain relief and has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, neurological disorders, and digestive issues.
What you will learn
The principles and techniques of traditional Electroacupuncture
How to use electrical stimulation in acupuncture
The benefits of combining acupuncture and electrical stimulation
How to tailor treatments for specific conditions
The safety and contraindications of electroacupuncture
Course Content
Introduction to electroacupuncture: History, principles, and applications
Basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and meridian theory
Acupuncture point location and needling techniques
Introduction to the use of electrical stimulation in acupuncture
Types of electroacupuncture machines and equipment
Safety guidelines and contraindications of electroacupuncture treatment
Indications and treatment protocols for various health conditions, such as pain management, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological conditions, and gynecological issues
Hands-on practice of electroacupuncture techniques and treatment procedures
Assessment and evaluation of treatment outcomes
Integration of electroacupuncture with other complementary therapies
Ethics, professionalism, and legal considerations in electroacupuncture practice