We treat all kinds of pain and pain related conditions like knee pain, back pain, cervical,frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and sciatica etc
Respiratory/Skin/Immune System
Asthma, Bronchistis, COPD, Allergic Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, Skin diseases and immune system related diseases can be well treated by Holistic Therapies / Alternative Therapies.
Gastrointestinal Health
IBS and Other GIT conditions like Colitis, Gastritis, Duodenal ulcers pain, abdomenal pain, Hiccups & Digestive disorders can be treated well by Holistic Therapies.
Neurological Health
Stroke , Facial paralysis, Trigeminal neuralgia, Headaches, Parkinsons disease, Epilepsy, Speech problems, Poor Memory, Lack of concentration etc.
Emotional Health
Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) can also be controlled well by Holistic Therapies/ Alternative Therapies.
Male/Female Reproductive Health
Menstrual disorders like amenorrhea, excessive bleeding, or pain and cramping during menses, PCOD, infertility and Male Health issues are treated well.
Paediatric Health
Autism & behavioural disorders, Bed wetting, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Recurrent Cough and Cold, Poor Height Gain, Poor Appetite, Poor Eye sight etc.
Face lift, wrinkles, acne, under eyes
circles , hyperpigmentation on face, alopecia,
hair loss, breast augmentation,
obesity, spot fat reduction etc. has good results.